As Jesus is the cornerstone upon which the Church is built, so are his teachings the unifying cornerstone of Christian doctrine.

Western Christianity in Rough Waters

God and the Atlantic: America, Europe, and the Religious Divide
God and the Atlantic
Greece and Rome which were once pagan republics later became Christian as Emperor Constantine adopted it as his religion and gave Christianity official status. Western countries in America and Europe seem to be heading in the opposite direction. European Christians who first settled American shores to establish religious freedom and Christian theocracies have found their faith abandoned in favor of modern versions of Greek and Roman style democracies. European Christians face similar dilemmas. The Christian cross still graces the flags of many national flags, but faith is a rare commodity on the once Christian continent. As Christians in the west face increasingly hostile waters (Matthew 14:22-33) how will we respond? Will we panic and lose heart as the anti-Christian storm rages around us or step out in faith, looking to Jesus who calmly walks on water by our side?

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