As Jesus is the cornerstone upon which the Church is built, so are his teachings the unifying cornerstone of Christian doctrine.

God is a Gambler

A definition of gambling is to bet on an uncertain outcome, to take a chance. A good gamble has favorable odds. When I plant corn, I plant 3 seeds at a time to increase the chances of success. I plant in hope. The whole of life is a gamble. Playing the lottery or a slot machine is a poor gamble because the odds are against us. However, the pay-off could be huge, so some occasionally decide to buy a lottery ticket, in hope. God too has gambled -- big time. He has gambled on us. In Romans 8:20, we find that he subjected creation to futility in hope. What are the odds? I suppose that depends on our point of view. Are they poor odds because "narrow is the way" or favorable chances because Jesus said I "will draw all men to myself?" Let us not gamble on our eternity.

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