Good Happens!
How the Church Got Here
The REAL Santa
Why I Love EVERYTHING About Xmas
Good News from a Far Country
Jesus and Nepotism
Inerrant vs Truth
To Valuable Harvest Workers
Everywhere, but Ignored
Ubiquitous Praise
All Creation Praises God
Stars Praise God
Angels Praise God
Heights Praise God
Jesus is... We are Not
The Savior from Podunksville
Christianity — Religion or Not
Shepherdless Sheep
Family Priority
Read the Bible without going Nutty
Which Bible
Private Faith
4 Kinds of Church
Saved from What
Good & Bad Traditions
Authority to Solve World Problems
Confronting Evil
Storms of Discipleship
Jesus vs Established Ministry
Wonderful Anointed Preaching
Bigotry over Celibacy & Poverty
I don't give a hoot... (a parody of 1 Corinthians 13)
Ethnic & Religious Bigotry
Bigotry against the Sick
A Pagan Christmas
None of that Matters
What Kind of Christian
Let Go
Threatened by Q
Living with impermanence
Modern Gender Bigotry
Sex in Heaven
Illogical Doctrines
Levirate Welfare System
How the Resurrection Works
The Age of Martyrs
Where a Constitution Means Nothing
Today’s Persecuted Saints
Remembering Armenian Martyrs
Is Halloween Christian
Recapturing Halloween
Infant Baptism is Biblical
Baptism is not Immersion ONLY
Baptism in the Early Church |
Most Important Lesson in Politics
A Forgiving Community
Forgiving National Leaders
What is Sin
What is Forgiveness
The Grace-Filled Christian
When Tradition Tempts to Sin
Acting like a Christian
Miracle of Forgiveness
Graceless Churches
Unbinding Your Church |
Triggers in Traps
Three Words for Hell
Jubilee economics
Jesus' Silence
Who will Build the Church
Church Bullies
Going Overboard
A Perfect Worship Service
When a Yes is really a No
Choice between two Goods
Where are the Conservatives
Where are the Conservatives —
So Wrong
So Wrong —
Failure can be Success
Failure can be Success —
Failure can be Success
Failure can be Success —
Fake Promises
Fake Promises —
If we were to listen to those televangelists who offer a pain-free life without trials or troubles, we might be shocked and dismayed when difficulties come. But, if we listen to Jesus, we will not be surprised at all. In John 16:1-4 Jesus told his original disciples to prepare for rough times. They would be thrown out of meetings. Some would be killed by people thinking they were doing God a favor. Why? Were the original disciples disobedient and cursed by God? No, they were told that their troubles were caused because others never really knew Jesus or the Father. Jesus told them these things so that when the time came they would remember his warning. Perhaps the preachers of health and wealth have not remembered Jesus' warning. Perhaps they do not get very much of their teachings from Jesus.