As Jesus is the cornerstone upon which the Church is built, so are his teachings the unifying cornerstone of Christian doctrine.

Failure can be Success

Failure can be Success — 

In a world which operates on the paradigm that he who dies with the most toys wins, it can be difficult to feel successful. Capitalism can be a tool for good, but it can also cause a deep sense of failure. A motive can be to sell goods and services to gain wealth whether or not other lives are really improved. Many merchants operate on a win-lose philosophy more akin to the survival of the fittest than a true win-win ideal for the greater good. When business operates on the law of the jungle consumers are the losers. The hardest thing for us to believe deep down inside is that the seeming loser can be the real winner. That is one message of the cross. Many who seem to be first will be last and vice versa (Mark 10:31).

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