As Jesus is the cornerstone upon which the Church is built, so are his teachings the unifying cornerstone of Christian doctrine.

The Age of Martyrs

In Christian history, the first few centuries are sometimes referred to as the Age of Martyrs. From Stephen, the first known martyr to the conversion of Emperor Constantine, Christians were persecuted first briefly by the Jews and then much worse by the Romans. However, more Christians have died for their faith over the past century than throughout all history. A common estimate for the number of Christians who have been murdered for their faith throughout history is 70 million. It has been calculated that 65% of that number, or 45 million died during the twentieth century. Living in the relatively free west can mask the reality of the world situation. While these numbers are estimates, they do point out that rather than improving over time, persecution has actually gotten worse. All Saints Day is a time to remember the martyrs.

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