As Jesus is the cornerstone upon which the Church is built, so are his teachings the unifying cornerstone of Christian doctrine.

Happiest People on Earth

Rich western nations are often under the delusion that they are happier than poor nations. We tend to define happiness in terms of credit and possessions. But, several recently released studies have attempted to discover the happiest people on earth and often placed poorer nations above their wealthier neighbors. One country that often tops the research lists is Costa Rica, the rich coast in Spanish, which is not materially rich but wealthy by certain other standards. Costa Ricans value education and the environment. Another set of standards for happiness challenges conventional wisdom at every level. In his typical fashion, Jesus Christ provokes us to think beyond our mundane cultural values to unadulterated measures of happiness. That challenge is in the beatitudes from  Matthew 5:1-12, a list of spiritual hallmarks that lead to a happiness not experienced even by most Christians. It is worth investigating and contemplating for its remarkable depth.

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