As Jesus is the cornerstone upon which the Church is built, so are his teachings the unifying cornerstone of Christian doctrine.

The Owner

Property Rights:
Eminent Domain and
Regulatory Takings
In Matthew 21:40 Jesus spoke of ownership of property. The allusion is that God is the real owner. The laws of eminent domain, sometimes called compulsory purchase or expropriation, give human governments ultimate rights over land and other property. Even land deeds give a person not ownership but tenant rights. Ultimately it is not governments which own our properties but God. We are all tenants of God’s property. Our stewardship of the earth has not always been good. However, the earth is only a temporary home. The more permanent property of the kingdom of God is also in our hands. It is not just Jews who have persecuted God’s messengers and his Son. We too are guilty of disobeying God’s commands to us. As we now become the new tenants, what will he say to us on his return?

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