As Jesus is the cornerstone upon which the Church is built, so are his teachings the unifying cornerstone of Christian doctrine.

The Common Good

Journey to the Common Good
Journey to the Common Good
We have all witnessed the person who uses a talent or spiritual gift for the purpose of showing off. Are we the person who shares unwanted wisdom, makes others feel uncomfortable with a vast store of knowledge, who seems to incessantly mention their great faith, the individual who constantly gives recipes for healing, or incessantly mentions miracles they have experienced, or constantly predicts what is in store for others, or tactlessly utters their discernment of others’ moods, or shows off loudly their ability to speak in another language, or brazenly interprets another language at inappropriate moments (1 Corinthians 12). There is a purpose for all these gifts. It is not self-aggrandizement. Before we use our gifts and talents, it is always good to ask ourselves would this be for the common good (verse 7)? Will everyone benefit by our actions?

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