As Jesus is the cornerstone upon which the Church is built, so are his teachings the unifying cornerstone of Christian doctrine.

Marriage a Family Affair

A Christian Theology of Marriage and Family
A Christian Theology
of Marriage & Family
The first marriage was informal (Genesis 2:20-25). Later marriages were strictly a family affair (Genesis 24:65-67). In the Hebrew Scriptures, the word marriage is translated from words meaning to take, dwell together and support. The first known instance of the Church going from preaching to meddling in marriages was when Ignatius urged the approval of a bishop. However, until the 1500’s in Europe, the parties merely made a private promise to each other and some recorded that promise with the Church. Luther viewed marriage as worldly and passed the responsibility to the State. Calvin ordered that Church and State be involved in marriage. And now today many are wanting to make another change to the marriage institution. Is it time to tell both State and Church to get out of our marriages and remake marriage a family affair?

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