As Jesus is the cornerstone upon which the Church is built, so are his teachings the unifying cornerstone of Christian doctrine.

Charismatic Division

The causes of division in the Church range from arguments over lettuce in the kitchen to worship music. Corinth was known for its deep divisions. They divided over favoritism, morality, communion, languages and other issues. Division over many issues continues in the Church today. In 1 Corinthians 12 Paul focused on charismatic division. All churches, whether or not they like the term, are charismatic churches. There are no non-charismatic churches, even though some prefer the term and others avoid it. Charismata are simply graces or gifts given individually to Christians by the Holy Spirit. Some have the first gift on the list, wisdom. Not everyone who has been given a spiritual gift has wisdom. Spiritual gifts are often used unwisely, in a manner which causes division. Let’s pray for the first gift, wisdom to use our various gifts for unity.

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