As Jesus is the cornerstone upon which the Church is built, so are his teachings the unifying cornerstone of Christian doctrine.

Xmas is NOT Antichristian

Have you seen or heard the annual cry against X-ing Christ out of Christmas? Yes, that's what some claim that the word Xmas does. But, is it really true? No, it's not. X is often the Greek equivalent of "Ch" in English. In Greek, Christ is spelled χριστός. Notice the first letter (called "chi" in Greek) looks like an X in the English alphabet. Ancient Christians used Greek "X" as an abbreviation for Christ, and "θ" (the Greek letter "theta") as an abbreviation for God. So, Xmas does not X Christ out of Christmas. He is still very much a part of the abbreviation Xmas. And THAT is the truth of it.

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