As Jesus is the cornerstone upon which the Church is built, so are his teachings the unifying cornerstone of Christian doctrine.

How did gender neutral become feminine

How did gender neutral become feminine? We are taught today to use gender inclusive terms, yet I find a strange hypocrisy in all this. Rather than the doctor (neutral) doing something, we are told that the doctor [she] did it. In the church, we are told that God as Father is offensive to some who may have had an abusive father figure, as if it is only men who are guilty of sin against children. So, we can call God mother, but not father. I wonder how the man whose mother neglected or abused him as a child feels about that. Of course such is the hypocrisy of gender neutral terms. It is often an excuse for the feminization of everything and the neutering of masculinity. Some even refuse to pray “Our Father who is in heaven...” (Matthew 6:9)

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