As Jesus is the cornerstone upon which the Church is built, so are his teachings the unifying cornerstone of Christian doctrine.

Distracted, not Seeing Jesus

A Praying Life: Connecting with God in a Distracting WorldHave we ever been spoken to by a friend who simply does not recognize us? I was once served at a convenience store by a former colleague, who did not recognize me and simply addressed me as sir. We’ve all had similar experiences. A friend greeted us somewhere in public and yet one was totally oblivious to recognizing the other. Perhaps someone was distracted, deep in thought or simply did not focus enough. So, it was with Jesus’ two disciples on the way to the village of Warm Springs (Emmaus) in Luke 24:13-35. What could it be that distracts us so readily from acknowledging Jesus in our daily lives? Why do we so often miss the most important things of life, distracted by the mundane? God is always present even in our daily bread, yet we do not notice.

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