As Jesus is the cornerstone upon which the Church is built, so are his teachings the unifying cornerstone of Christian doctrine.

Precepts of Men

Precepts of Men —

As Easter approached, I forgot to request time off work. I felt guilty for a few minutes. Then I remembered how a gathering from a local church last year was doing the Stations of the Cross through town when one lady loudly scalded another group of people for working on Good Friday, saying they should be at church. I would have said something to that woman and perhaps it was best I wasn't there. Such behavior annoys me because Good Friday is not commanded in the Bible, it is a tradition of men (Mark 7:6-8), but good relationships with our neighbors are commanded. How often do Christians focus more on the teachings of mere men than those of the founder of Christianity, Jesus Christ. Next year I plan to observe Good Friday, not by command, but because I want to.

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