As Jesus is the cornerstone upon which the Church is built, so are his teachings the unifying cornerstone of Christian doctrine.

Overcoming Depression

Overcoming Depression 

Our state contains 600 violent gangs and 10,000 gang members. No, this is not South Africa or Baghdad, but the beautiful US state of Maryland. I could get very depressed about all this or I could look on the positive. No matter where we live in this world there will always be something negative which we could focus on: the decades long drought in Australia, the Russian mafia infiltrating Europe, or global warming drowning Pacific island nations. After all the medicine is gone and we are still faced with a troubled world, how do we cope in an age where there seems to be no hope? Psychologists tell us that we must re-train our thinking and develop a positive mental attitude. Call it what you will, it is not new medicine but an idea at least as old as Paul's encouragement to an ancient Greek church (Philippians 4:8).

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