As Jesus is the cornerstone upon which the Church is built, so are his teachings the unifying cornerstone of Christian doctrine.

Honda & Jesus

Honda: The Boy Who
Dreamed of Cars
Soichiro Honda the founder of Honda Motor Company wanted to build piston rings. He went to engineering school to help him. Once he found the answer he needed, he quit. His teachers wanted him to continue and graduate. He told them that he knew all he needed for his business and did not want to waste time on useless studies. Honda Motor Company eventually became a resounding success. Education is good, but when an education takes one away from the central focus it becomes useless. His whole focus then was to build piston rings, not become a general engineer. Even experts in the Bible can miss the most important things (Matthew 22:34-46). When church institutions lose their focus on Jesus’ teachings, but get lost in the law, vain traditions of men or popular false gospels, they too become useless.

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