As Jesus is the cornerstone upon which the Church is built, so are his teachings the unifying cornerstone of Christian doctrine.

Why God Delays

Lazarus Awakening: Finding Your Place in the Heart of God
Lazarus Awakening
Sometimes we pray and God delays. Why? Perhaps a look at the healing of Lazarus in John 11:1-45 will provide some clues. Though not one of the twelve disciples, Lazarus was clearly one of Jesus’ closest friends. When Jesus heard of his friend’s sickness, he indicated God’s purpose by saying that the illness would be used for God’s glory and God's Son’s glory. While others panicked and were concerned, Jesus was calm in his faith. Then he went on to say that God’s purpose was “so that you may believe.” Lazarus’ sisters both responded quite emotionally that if Jesus had been there sooner he would not have died. By this time, he had been dead four days. Again Jesus emphasized the necessity to believe. Even his prayer, which was a public prayer, was said so that hearers may believe.

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