As Jesus is the cornerstone upon which the Church is built, so are his teachings the unifying cornerstone of Christian doctrine.

Wonderful Anointed Preaching

People often describe a particular sermon or preacher as "really anointed." What do they mean? They may mean stirring or exciting, but that is not what the Bible means by anointed. Some do genuinely give the Holy Spirit credit for the preaching, but then when asked how they know this, the answer is often similar: enthusiasm and excitement. How does the Bible describe real anointed preaching? In Isaiah 61:1-3 we find words like good news, binding up broken hearts, proclaiming liberty, freeing prisoners, proclaim God's favor, his vengeance and to comfort those who mourn. Now that could be done in a manner that is calm and quiet or loud and enthusiastic. The volume or level of excitement has nothing to do with being an anointed preacher. The content has everything to do with it. That’s the teaching of Scripture.

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