As Jesus is the cornerstone upon which the Church is built, so are his teachings the unifying cornerstone of Christian doctrine.

I don't give a hoot... (a parody of 1 Corinthians 13)

I don't give a hoot if you speak in every language of men and angels. If you don't love anyone else but yourself, it's comes across as just a useless, loud, attention-getting noise.

I don't give a hoot about your prophecies and your shoving of your pop theology down my throat. I don't give a hoot that you seem to believe that you are so superior to the rest of us in faith. In fact I wouldn't give a hoot if your faith could move Mount Everest. If you don't love anyone but yourself, what the heck use is it?

I don't give a hoot about all your great charity efforts, even if you think you are Mother Theresa, and I don't care about the great self-sacrificing you brag about. If you don't love me, who cares!

If you really love me, you will put up with me for a long time, you won't envy me and put me down when I do something good, you won't brag about yourself, or be rude to me, put yourself first, be irritated by me, nor think evil of me. You won't laugh and revel in filth, but in the truth.

You will bear all things, believe all things, hope all things, endure all things.

Love never fails, but your prophecies, preaching, predictions will all fail. Tongues? They'll all end. Know-it-alls will eventually have nothing to brag about. We don't know very much at all, whether it's doctrine or the future. Our weak works will all end when Jesus' perfect work is fully realized.

When we were children we thought we were the ants pants too, but we grew out of that. Now that we are adults we should realize how little we really do know about anything. Unlike now, one day we really will know it all. In the meantime, the only really important things are faith, hope and love. The most important of all is love.

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