As Jesus is the cornerstone upon which the Church is built, so are his teachings the unifying cornerstone of Christian doctrine.

Family Priority

A would-be disciple of Jesus asked to go and bury his father before following him (Matthew 8:18-22). The Bible says to honor our parents. So, Jesus' response was shocking. He told the man to let the dead bury their dead. Jesus was not teaching to dishonor our parents, but rather that following him is a greater obligation. Anything that gets in the way of unqualified commitment to Jesus, must be set aside.* Family is one of life's highest priorities. However, family cannot be allowed to take a higher priority over our commitment to Jesus (Matthew 10:37-39; Luke 14:25-26). This requires wisdom and the application may not always be easy. What's in it for you? Are you willing to place Jesus as first priority in your life, even above honor to parents and family responsibility?
* Michael J. Wilkins, "The NIV Application Commentary - Matthew," Zondervan (2004): 350.

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