As Jesus is the cornerstone upon which the Church is built, so are his teachings the unifying cornerstone of Christian doctrine.

Bigotry over Celibacy & Poverty

Peter left fishing to follow Jesus, but Matthew 8:14-15 shows that he did not give up everything. He owned his own house, with a wife and family. Celibacy is an honorable choice, but it is not something Jesus demanded. Voluntary poverty is also an  honorable choice, but is not something Jesus demanded. Peter had a mother-in-law. He was married and he had a house. Peter took his wife along with him (1 Corinthians 9:5). It is not necessary to give up all earthly things for the kingdom of heaven. Paul did encourage celibacy under certain circumstances. It is an honorable alternative. However, an attitude of unconcern about material things is what's really important, placing them low on our list of priorities. Living an ascetic or celibate life was never a biblical requirement, not even for an apostle.

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