As Jesus is the cornerstone upon which the Church is built, so are his teachings the unifying cornerstone of Christian doctrine.

Being Mocked

Christians are quite familiar with being mocked. People criticize our faith or try to deconstruct it in order to justify their own lack of belief in God. We are accused of being stupid fools and illogical thinkers if we don’t blindly follow the modern scientific religion of a Godless Genesis. In a small way, our being mocked is a taste of the cross. Jesus was ridiculed over and over again as he endured heartless beatings and brutal crucifixion. On his journey to the cross, he mentioned another kind of ridicule which he was not willing to bear. In Luke 14:25-33 he discussed the mockery of someone who began to build a tower but did not finish it. As we build something permanent in a life of faith let’s count the cost lest we receive the ridicule of not finishing.

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