As Jesus is the cornerstone upon which the Church is built, so are his teachings the unifying cornerstone of Christian doctrine.

Battle Attitude

It is well-known in military circles that morale is a very important in battle. When combat is man-to-man, often those willing to die are the ones who succeed and live. Perhaps that is what Jesus referred to when he spoke of preparing for battle in Luke 14:25-33. Christians face a battle with the odds, at least humanly speaking, stacked against them. Far superior forces both in and out of the Church, are prepared to fight against the message of Jesus. Do we have the stamina for battle or should we settle for peace? Like Martin Luther, reformers of any age, face ostracism and living under dire threats. Pastors who put Christ ahead of tradition sometimes lose their jobs. Christians who put their faith ahead of their careers sometimes lose promotions. Before battle it is wise to consider the cost.

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