As Jesus is the cornerstone upon which the Church is built, so are his teachings the unifying cornerstone of Christian doctrine.

Nurture and Take Care of Others

Nurture and Take Care of Others 

After his resurrection, Jesus invited some of his disciples to breakfast on the beach. Each one had failed him yet this was not a time for dwelling on the past. As Peter had denied Jesus three times, Jesus now asked three times if he loved him. Each time Peter answered, Jesus challenged him to put that love into action, by feeding and taking care of his sheep (John 21:15-17). Church leaders have the same challenge today. They can choose to feed and take care of themselves - some do - or they can feed and take care of the sheep. However, the challenge is not limited to church leadership. What about business and government? Many are guilty of selfishness and greed. However, there are wonderful people all over the world who desire to nurture and take care of others.

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