As Jesus is the cornerstone upon which the Church is built, so are his teachings the unifying cornerstone of Christian doctrine.

Just B'lieve

Just B'lieve 

I've heard people in and out of the Christian Church make fun of the statement, "Just believe!" Some use the declaration to mock what they call easy-believism or dead faith without works. Non-believers sometimes use the phrase to ridicule what they perceive to be a measure of naivety among Christians in general. Perhaps there is a degree of valid criticism if some Christians use faith as an excuse for laziness or inactivity. However, when the phrase was used by Jesus in Mark 5:36, he was not referring to criteria for eternal life or idleness. He was certainly referring to a circumstance where all possible action seemed to have been taken yet to no avail. The verse refers to the healing of an influential man's daughter when all hope seemed lost. Perhaps for us, when all else has failed, we too need to heed the words, "Don't be afraid, just believe!"

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