As Jesus is the cornerstone upon which the Church is built, so are his teachings the unifying cornerstone of Christian doctrine.


In Matthew 6:9 Jesus taught us to pray to God as our FATHER. That really annoys some people. The word patriarch is almost a swear word today. Some people argue that because God is gender-less, he could be called our Parent, the Universe or even our Mother. Such bigotry overlooks the lesson that addressing God as our Father in heaven teaches. Fatherless homes have increased, causing crime and social maladjustment. Children with fathers at home have greater success in life, are far less likely to be in trouble, more likely to show initiative, exhibit self-control, and are at less risk of alcohol and drug abuse, suicide, less likely to cause sexual violence or have an unwanted pregnancy.* If God wants us to understand him primarily in patriarchal fatherly terms, it is we that need to learn something, not God.

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