As Jesus is the cornerstone upon which the Church is built, so are his teachings the unifying cornerstone of Christian doctrine.

Bad Leadership Characteristics

Bad Leadership
Two main characteristics of bad leadership from Matthew 23:1-12 are that it is burdensome and self-centered. When leadership places heavy, cumbersome loads on people’s shoulders, that is bad leadership. It crushes people with unbearable demands. Instead of making life a joy, bad leaders seem to take pleasure in watching people stagger under heavy loads without lifting a finger to help. Bad leadership is also self-centered. It focuses on its own self instead of those it is called to serve. Bad leaders love to get dressed up in clothing that emphasizes their position. Bad leaders love the places of honor instead of the places of service. Instead of focusing on those they are called to help, bad leaders love to be greeted with their titles and be noticed in public. We are called to selflessly release people from their burdens.

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