As Jesus is the cornerstone upon which the Church is built, so are his teachings the unifying cornerstone of Christian doctrine.

Permanent Vacation from Worry

Furry Logic: Don't Worry!It would have been an ideal vacation spot, every need supplied, idyllic and beautiful, delicious and wholesome natural foods constantly available, peaceful and serene. The good thing was that they never had to leave and yet they were dissatisfied and broke the rules. They were expelled and our world has been trying to return to the Garden of Eden ever since. The very reason that we take vacations is that our world does not satisfy. We seek a temporary escape from our daily worries, yet vacations end and we must return. In Matthew 6:24-34 Jesus taught us how to escape this world’s slavery to worry, seek first God’s kingdom and his righteousness. The pursuit of shallow fashions and appetites cannot really provide lasting relief from anxiety. When our priorities are right, we can take a permanent vacation from worry.

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