As Jesus is the cornerstone upon which the Church is built, so are his teachings the unifying cornerstone of Christian doctrine.

Triggers in Traps

In Luke 17:1-10 we read that things which cause people to sin are bound to come along. The original Greek uses a word for a trigger mechanism in a trap. Temptation is like that. If we allow ourselves to be led into a dangerous situation, it can be almost a foregone conclusion that we will sin. Lying is like that. Adultery is like that. Stealing is like that. Murder is like that. We are all guilty of shading the truth, having lust in our hearts, stealing time from a boss or glory from those who should be honored and harboring hatred, which the Bible describes as the same as murder. We so easily use words or actions to entice or incite others to sin or lose faith. However, if we do it leaves us a heavy burden of sorrow.

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