As Jesus is the cornerstone upon which the Church is built, so are his teachings the unifying cornerstone of Christian doctrine.

Liberal pinko agenda

To some Christians, words like social gospel and social justice carry images of liberal Christians who don’t believe in a living Jesus Christ and the Gospel that he preached. It seems that the good news has been substituted for just another do-good charity which takes care of physical needs and neglects spiritual needs. As in all things human, there is partial truth on both sides of the argument. What is really important is not our modern terms or perceptions, but what Jesus actually taught. When it comes to some issues which are demanded of Christians, Jesus is quite clear. In fact his request is couched in typical hyperbolic Jesus-terms. He simply said, sell your possessions and give to the poor. If that’s a liberal pinko agenda, then I don’t know too many on the left or right who are willing.

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