As Jesus is the cornerstone upon which the Church is built, so are his teachings the unifying cornerstone of Christian doctrine.

Conservative or Liberal

Conservative or Liberal

Which is better, to be conservative or liberal? The debate stretches from politics to religion. Both liberal and conservative Christians believe in God. Both believe viewpoints that are historically recent. Both actually agree on much but misunderstand each other. Conservatives generally emphasize literal interpretations of the Bible and Liberals non-literal. Yet, the Bible is a book which contains both literal and non-literal genres. Liberals tend to obey Bible directives for justice for the oppressed. Conservatives tend to obey Bible directives for morality. An honest examination of the opposite side may shock us and eventually bring us to the conclusion that neither is superior. Is it possible that each side has strengths and weaknesses and that each falsely accuses the other? Certainly before God each is equal. In Rome there were also two sides and Paul's conclusion there was that neither side was any better than the other (Romans 3:9-18).

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