As Jesus is the cornerstone upon which the Church is built, so are his teachings the unifying cornerstone of Christian doctrine.

How Correct is What We Believe?

What percentage of correctness would you attach to your understanding of God? Would you say you are maybe 25% right? Would you venture a 90%? Would you be shocked to hear that a very respected theologian once said that all churches are 80% wrong in doctrine? I was, when I first heard it, but over the years I have come to appreciate more and more what he meant. How often do you and I talk about what we believe?

The Bible says, Let God be true and every man a liar. So, if every man is a liar what does that say of us or great teachers like Augustine, Luther, Calvin, Ratzinger or your favorite televangelist? When we follow the doctrines of mere men, we fall into the trap of being perhaps as much as 80% wrong or even more. When we follow Christ and his doctrine, then and only then do we have a chance of getting it right.

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