As Jesus is the cornerstone upon which the Church is built, so are his teachings the unifying cornerstone of Christian doctrine.

Political comparisons

This world’s powerful people love to make comparisons between political parties and even between countries and their different forms of government. Such comparisons make this or that party look good to their constituents. John 18-19 makes a different comparison, the difference between God’s government and this world’s. We notice that even religious leaders can get seduced into worldly leadership as a temple official slaps Jesus in the face. Our political leaders are not much different than Herod and Pilate, gutless people bowing to public pressure rather than doing what is right. Like Pilate, many would ask, what is truth? Politicians make decisions based upon popular opinion or what is convenient rather than what is right. Anyone who tries to stand up for what it morally and ethically right about abortion, poverty or other human rights is shouted down, “Crucify him!”

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