As Jesus is the cornerstone upon which the Church is built, so are his teachings the unifying cornerstone of Christian doctrine.

Faith Litmus Test

If You Want to Walk on Water, You've Got to Get Out of the Boat
...Get out of the Boat
Do we will sink or walk on water in matters of faith? A litmus test is the answer to the question, “Where are we looking?” Are we watching the world news and getting upset and anxious or are we watching Jesus? Probably most of us are watching the drama around us and not Jesus. In Matthew 14:22-33 we find that Peter had the same problem. His eyes were not on Jesus, but on the troubles around him. His lack of faith caused him to become a weight instead of a water-walker. As the disciples battled the waves it was the darkest part of the night. Jesus may sometimes intervene in our lives when events are darkest. We all struggle with walking on the water of faith while daily events rage. Let’s look. What is Jesus doing in the world?

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