As Jesus is the cornerstone upon which the Church is built, so are his teachings the unifying cornerstone of Christian doctrine.

Heights Praise God

Psalm 148 speaks poetically of inanimate objects praising God. The very first line says to praise God from the heavens. How high are the heavens? The word used means the things above us, what we would call the sky today. So how high is the sky? If we are asking how thick the atmosphere is, it is about 300 miles thick. If we are asking how far in the known universe we can see with the naked eye, that is perhaps the Andromeda galaxy about 2.5 million light years away. We can only see it in the countryside away from city lights. With the Hubble telescope, the farthest we can see is about 13 billion light years away. Nobody knows what is beyond that and the best educated astrophysicists can only speculate. It all continually shouts praises to God.

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