As Jesus is the cornerstone upon which the Church is built, so are his teachings the unifying cornerstone of Christian doctrine.

God does not Give Up

God does not Give Up 

How long are we willing to search for someone even though it may take us away from the comforts of home and loved ones? In the parable of the lost sheep in Luke 15:4-7, Jesus described a shepherd willing to look for that one lost member of his flock "until he finds it." Notice that the shepherd did not leave the search to a servant, but he searched himself. He did not give up, but kept searching until the job was done. If we feel lost at times, and wonder if God really cares, perhaps we ought to take notice of this story and realize that God will never give up on us, until he is successful. When we are found, he will carry us on his shoulders safe and sound and throw a party to rejoice once we are back in the flock. He loves us just that much.

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