As Jesus is the cornerstone upon which the Church is built, so are his teachings the unifying cornerstone of Christian doctrine.

Take Heed what you Hear

In Mark 4:23-25 Jesus encouraged us to hear, but take heed what we hear. There is a source of good news out there and if we listen, it will drastically improve out lives. However, what sells is bad news and cynicism. If we wallow in it we will become negative and jaded in character. We basically have a choice between two world views. We can immerse ourselves in skepticism, mockery, criticism, doubting and pessimism. Some people do. On the other hand, we can decide to become involved in a positive way of life. Imagine choosing to be around grace, mercy, love, belief, praise, approval, faith and a positive atmosphere. We will also tend to become like that. If we fill our minds with positive influences including the Gospel of Christ, then more will be given to us. Whoever returns to negativity, what good they had will be taken from them.

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